This well-maintained 5-plex in the heart of Morningside offers an exceptional investment opportunity with a solid history of consistent cash flow and strong NOI. Three of the units have recently been renovated with new flooring, paint, carpet, and windows, while HVAC systems have also been updated. Located in a highly sought-after neighborhood, this property offers immediate cash flow potential with the opportunity to make further improvements to maximize returns. Whether you're adding to an existing portfolio or starting your investment journey, this property provides a reliable, long-term investment with strong rental demand and minimal maintenance needs. Find this opportunity in close proximity to Sioux City shopping and foodservice amenities along with Morningside University.
The Bedell Family YMCA offers many programs to kids and adults alike. Children can get their first experiences with various sports, and continue their interests as they grow into specific programs. Adults also are offered many sports, health, and wellness programs at the Y, they even provide childcare while you attend your program, or work out. The Bedell Family YMCA is also the creator of Camp Foster, an amazing camp for kids in the summer.
Boji Tan is a great tanning salon located in Spirit Lake. They offer different types of beds that are four different levels. This local business is very clean and the staff is always friendly and provides you with great service. At Boji Tan they don't only offer tanning but you are able to purchase AdvoCare products also. If you are going on a trip and want to get a base tan before you leave or if you just want to warm up on those cold summer days make sure to stop at Boji Tan!
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