Why is a Buyer's Agent Important?

A real estate transaction is a complex process involving stacks of paperwork and a number of outside service providers and contractors.


As an experienced buyer's agent, I can guide you through the process, answering your questions and serving as your advocate. I will help you find the property that fits your needs, submit offers and counteroffers, suggest a handful of good property inspectors and other professionals, and provide all sorts of relevant advice.


With Aaron Jones, you'll have someone on your side, looking out for your interests every step of the way.


What are the costs involved in hiring Aaron Jones to help find your property?

As a buyer, you don’t pay for my services directly. Instead, the agents receive an agreed-upon portion of the listing agent's sales commission (usually about half), which is paid by the seller.


If you're thinking this structure works against you by giving a buyer's agent an incentive to let you pay more than you need to, consider this:


The increase in a buyer's agent commission on, say, a $5,000 to $10,000 jump in price would be only $125 to $250. I am engaged in the business full time and simply am not going to risk my reputation. Your satisfaction – which can generate referrals to your friends and family – is the lifeblood of my career.


When seeking out a buyer’s agent, look for factors such as productivity, education and experience.  Look for an agent who understands your lifestyle. Make sure the agent knows the neighborhoods you're interested in, and can answer questions you'll have about the location.


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Greg Sheeler

Cell: 712.330.1573

Janie Eick

Cell: 712.339.0574

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O'Farrell Sisters

O'Farrell Sisters in Okoboji

The O'Farrell Sister is a historic Okoboji Tradition that one must check out for breakfast and lunch!

'Farrell Sisters History
The O'Farrell Sisters restaurant was born in 1949 at the bridge on Hwy 71, between East and West Lake Okoboji. Edna Mae and Arlene O'Farrell bought the business from Ike Kissinger who was running for Sheriff of Dickinson County.

In the early years the girls were open seven days a week and had a booming business in no time. The fried chicken dinners on Sunday evenings were especially popular. There were times when the line waiting to get in was so long they'd have to lock the door and would often run out of chicken!

In 1959 Arlene married and moved to Tallahassee, Florida with her husband Furman Henderson. Edna Mae and Ferne continued in the restaurant, moving to its present location that same year. This spot had a garden and chicken coup, which was moved to the house across the street.

Ferne died in 1974 and Edna Mae in 1978. Arlene sold the business to nieces Joyce Gapinski, Jo Ann Anderson, Charlotte Sarvie and Cheri Petersen (these are married names). The nieces successfully ran the restaurant from 1979 through 2003. After losing Jo Ann in 1997 and Cheri in 2002, Joyce and Charlotte decided to sell after the 2003 season.

The rest is to be continued...

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Okoboji

Humane Society of NW Iowa

Humane Society of NW Iowa in Milford

The Humane Society of NW Iowa is an amazing non-profit organization in the lakes area. They are a no-kill shelter, run on donations from locals, and special events in the area throughout the year. The facility has started "PAWS with a Cause," a program that gives back to the community, by bringing animals to care facilities in the area, as well as provide a program for the youth in the area to teach them about how to be a responsible pet owner.

Real Estate and MLS Homes For Sale in Milford

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